Thursday, June 5, 2008

Trilingual Bilateral Cultural Exchange Part 3

So while I might have mastered the labyrinth which was the Russian embassy in Cairo, I failed to give myself adequate time to conquer the Chinese one. In spite of gathering all the documents which their website said was necessary (including bank statements, proof of enrollment at the university, hotel reservations, and $130), here were the excuses offered for not even considering my visa application:

First visit: my bank statement was not actually from the bank, but printed off the computer (apparently the fact that all statements are now sent via the internet doesn't matter to China).

RESPONSE: Dig up older original bank statement.

Second visit: my current bank statement off the internet in combination with an original older bank statement doesn't work either: they need ALL my bank statements, original, from the last 6 months.

RESPONSE: Have father overnight said bank statements to my roommate Michael who was coming out to visit. Michael brings statements, which I deliver to my travel agent, who assures me that this time, the third time, is the charm.

Third visit: They inform me that I will have to extend my EGYPTIAN residency visa, which is good until the end of June, in order to qualify to receive a CHINESE visa. They could have informed me of this 3 weeks ago on attempt number 1, or told me from the start that I needed an Egyptian residency visa valid for at least 2 months in order to qualify for a visa application. You'd think my agent would have known these things. She did not get paid for anything, needless to say.

1 comment:

SJ said...

You live a perfect life.